निसर्गाचे पारंपारिक
सोबती, आदिवासी समाजाच्या अस्तित्वाची हाक!
जागतिक आदिवासी दिन ९
ऑगस्ट, दुपारी २ वाजता “डहाणू नोटिफिकेशन” कायम ठेवून पर्यावरण व स्थानिक भूमी
पुत्रांचे अस्तित्व वाचवण्या साठी
प्रकृतीः रक्षति
आयोजक : सर्व आदिवासी
A. Example of Existing Structural Loss exploiting Tribal
Community in Palghar
1) NH8 Highway
Widening : Land of Tribal villages being accuired
2) High voltage
Electric Towers : Land of tribal villages / Tree cut and Environmental
3) Heavy Loaded
Vehicle Transport from Interior villages (Kasa- Udhava to Gujarat), Leads
to huge number of accidents
4) Urban/market
wastage to Tribal Villages, polutes land and rivers
5) Dams : Existing Dam not used for local needs (Dhamani, Kavadas, Kurze, Sakhare, Etc)
Highway/State road beside Lands are being Forcefully transferred to non tribals
7) Huge Volume
of Alcohol selling in TSP area (Legal & illegal)
8) Huge
Penetration of Religious Organizations & constructions on tribal land
9) Waste water
of urban and industrial area in river and farms
10) Forest & Natural resources are being exploited
B. Upcoming Structural Loss for Plaghar Tribal community
1) Mumbai Vadodara Express Highway :
60-100m Wide, 2000 – 2500 Acre farm and Tribal Villages
2) Bullet train
: Underground 80m, and wide tunnel.
3) Special
Cargo railway line 50-60 m wide
4) Susari Dam : 13 villages
5) Planned 5-10
6) Existing dam
height increase 10-30 ft will submerge villages around dam
7) Dapchari dairy project land
has been plan to use for Pollution creating factory in Mumbai
8) Special
electricity connection from DTPS to Dapchari work started on Ambesari road
9) Industrial
10) 2 new gas
pipe line & Beside 2 service roads (2 Existing pipelines)
11) Mega Port
Near Palghar coast (Vadhavan Port &
Connection Mega Road to NH8)
12) Mumbai Devnar slaughter house being plan to Shift Dapchari
13) Hundred of acre land
being tranfer for Minority
University in Talasari
Supreme court
observation : 40% Tribals has been forcefully
relocated for Government and Private Company
Save Land Save Tribals!
Around the world ‘development’ is robbing tribal people of their land, self-sufficiency and pride and leaving them with nothing.
Watch this short, satirical film, which tells the story of how tribal peoples are being destroyed in the name of ‘development’.~
Around the world ‘development’ is robbing tribal people of their land, self-sufficiency and pride and leaving them with nothing.
Watch this short, satirical film, which tells the story of how tribal peoples are being destroyed in the name of ‘development’.~