
AYUSH educational activities

Carrier guidance -

With AYUSH activities at the field of carrier guidance are the followings:

• To provide a common platform for employers and tribal job searchers.

• To organize career guidance, experience sharing programs and competitions.

Job opportunities -

As an organization, we have an extensive database. With the help of this we can easily help to job seekers, or for employers looking for fresh graduated and experienced professionals.

For this you don`t have to do else, just register into our database.

If you are a job seeker, please, fill the following form:


If you are an employer looking for professional employees, please, fill the following form:


For those tribal job seekers, who have not internet connection, we provide offline information in many settlements. For the list of the places, check the following document:


Career Guidance Programs -

AYUSH regularly organize Carrier Guidance Programs, where high school, junior and university students can meet experienced professionals, and they can get answer for their questions, get guidance to plan their carrier and so on.

Would you join to us? Check the upcoming events here:


You can also share your opinion, experiments and/or ask others in our forum:


Experience Sharing Programs -

Within the confines of AYUSH Experience Sharing Programs we organize together experienced professionals from a special field with those students who are interested in this field.

So we regularly hold events for engineering, medical, art, commerce, business and many other fields.

Are you interested in? Here is the list of our upcoming Experience Sharing Programs:


Or you can also check our forum for more information:


Competitions -

We organize competitions on two levels:

• Academic (eg. mathematics, business, literature, history etc.)

• Non-academic (eg. sport, dance, music, art and so on)

If you would like to take part in our competitions, check our events:


If you would like to provide financial or material support for our competitions, please, contact AYUSH members: